Thursday, July 23, 2009

Results Day

I met with my doctor today and all is well! No bone lesions, kidneys are functioning normally and blood numbers are excellent. The doctor said the MM is still indolent and has stretched the time until my next appointment. However...

My x-ray results show compression of the C3 vertebrae, and there is an indication I'k suffering from spina bifida. This was news to me and my doctor. Because I had the x-rays taken at my local hospital (instead of the one I travel to for the oncology appointments), my doctor insisted the x-rays be re-interpreted. I can't help but think mine were mixed up with someone else's.

All in all, good news! Must say I feel a bit odd to have started a cancer blog when I'm still at stage I, not that I'm complaining.

In other news... As some of you might know, my wife and I went to NYC this July and had a fantastic trip. I took a pile of videos and photos, most of which I posted on facebook. Here's the first video I took, on our way from the airport to our hotel. Listen closely.

1 comment:

Sid said...

Hey Paul,
Good news about the health.
Love the video and yes it was a good blooper. I enjoyed looking into the background to see the city at work, thanks for that.
Stay healthy,