Thursday, April 23, 2009

Eating to Live, Lose and Fight

As part of my screw cancer attitude, I've been making some huge changes to my eating habits. I've always been overweight and sedentary. As an example, I used to read Men's Health magazine while eating chips thinking, "oh yeah, I'll have to try that healthy idea out tomorrow. " Get the idea? A friend of mine, who is also a physician, recommended a book on Foods That Fight Cancer by Richard BĂ©liveau. It explains how cancer forms and how it can be prevented and fought. It describes not only the science of cancer, but that of food. This book is my guide to smart eating. It actually feels empowering to be eating healthier, knowing I am losing weight and helping my immune system fight cancer. Bring on the broccoli. Did I just type that?

My family doctor and I discussed the likely stem cell and chemo treatements and the effect myeloma will have on my bones if or when it develops. I'm too heavy for my frame, and need to lose weight by eating better and exercising - pronto. As my doctor said, "consider yourself in training." Cue the Rocky theme.


Maskman said...

I admire your courage and strength - keep writing i'm sure you find it theraputic this is a great forum for you to express your thoughts

M said...

Food is fuel, for sure. Every single thing you eat ultimately effects your body's performance. I think that you're a smart kid for informing yourself and making these changes. You'll appreciate it in the long run, for sure.